Friday, May 18, 2012

2nd Workshop Fest - June 29th

We'll be holding our 2nd annual Workshop Fest on June 29th. Why not share your experience with us and present something? Looking forward to receiving your abstracts soon....

Learning Goes Digital @ SFL - British Council & EMU

On Tuesday, May 18th we launched Learning goes digital @ SFL in collaboration with the British Council.

Some of our achievements over the last few months include:

* Nil Arkin completing her British Council training to become an e-moderator and Musteyde Irikoglu is half way through her training. 
* 14 teachers successfully completed the British Council Online Learning Technologies course moderatored by Nevin & Ayse Ozverir.
* Forming a team of researchers, who will now start collecting data to monitor the students' use of British Council online products. For more information visit

Thanks to everyone for their hard work over the last few weeks. You were all amazing. Dilek & Sencan thanks for the opportunity, support and the endless fun & laughter!! Watch this space for more.....

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sam Mc Carter @ EMU

Thanks to Sam McCarter for visiting EMU again to give a seminar on Coherence & Cohesion and developing arguments in IELTS exams. And thank you to the sponsors MacMillan and Deniz Plaza.

British Council Learning Technologies Course

As we come to the end of the British Council Learning Technologies for the Classroom Course, our teachers are busy finishing their coursework. Good luck to everyone - your are doing a fantastic job :)