Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Summer 2011 - Teacher Trainer Journal

Congratulations to Sezgi, John, Nilgün & Steve. Please check out the latest edition of the Teacher Trainer Journal to read their articles:

Sezgi   - Encouraging teachers to fulfill their potential

John, Nilgün & Steve - Working with words on the web

Well done guys!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Nevin - quite remarkable to consider that two articles in the current issue of volume 25 of the Teacher Trainer Journal came out of Northern Cyprus!

    John, Nilgun and I published the first installment of our series 'Working with words on the web' in the previous volume 24, and I know that Elmas and John also published an article "Voices from the wilderness" in volume 23. Perhaps there are earlier contributions I don't know about, but that means an article from Northern Cyprus has appeared in that last three years running...the common author in all three being John Eldridge. We all owe a great debt of gratitude to John's professionalism, innovation and intellect.
