Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Birthday Celebration, a Poem and a Published Article!

Let's rewind to December 2009, to a small local restaurant called 'Minder' in Nothern Cyprus. Some EMU English Prep School teachers gathered for a colleague -  Sezgi Yalin's birthday celebrations. Sezgi had a surprise for us all - a poem she'd written about all of the guests at her birthday meal! The poem started....

Huseyin – Humble and high above!
Bilge – Big boss!
Hilmiye – How can someone be so sweet?

Now fast forward to the present and Sezgi's poem and the people mentioned are now immortalised in A Pot Porpourri of Activities in the June edition of the Humanising Language Teaching Newsletter. Congratulations Sezgi and thank you for making a moment in time always live on in our hearts.

To read the poem and classroom activities visit

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